Selasa, 22 Maret 2016

woodworking table - Sofa Table 1


woodworking table

woodworking table

I have finished my latest and greatest piece of furniture. This was a piece that I had started a long time ago. Like many projects I started it with a lot of excitement and couldnt wait to get it done. I am not exactly sure what happened but I know the project was moved upstairs from the shop and was displayed behind the couch like it should be. The only problem was that it was far from being complete. The breadboard ends (the wedge shaped pieces on the end of the table top) were not shaped or completed. The entire piece had to be sanded and a finish put on, but for some reason it made the premature move to the upstairs and then went on to become almost unimportant. 
 Almost right after the move upstairs I became slightly unhappy with the piece. I definitely had lost my excitement for it.  I am not sure why for it was technically one of my better pieces but for some reason I couldnt see its beauty for a while. The table was one of the very first things that one would see when walking in to the house and it started to get a lot of attention and compliments despite its state of incompletion.  It survived several near disasters where people assumed that it was done and would lean against it and I would have to come to the tables rescue. It helped to have people compliment it and tell me they wanted one. I thought they were crazy for they couldnt even see what the finished product was going to look like.  Apparently I was the crazy one. After several rescues and many more compliments I started to fall in love with the project again. I decided to finish the project and I will tell you it is the project that I am most happy with so far. 
  The table is my own design and maybe that lead to my questions about it. The construction is of mortise and tenon with some bridle joints. I try not to use many man made fasteners in my projects and the only ones that are used in this project are the screws that keep the table tops on. I hope that the person who buys this piece enjoys it because it will last a long time. The table is made of solid walnut with the keys(the angled wedges that protrude from the sides of the table top)being made of African Padauk.  The new cover picture for my blog shows the small keys fairly well. They are cut and shaped by hand and inlaid into the side of the table. It takes me an hour to do each one but I believe the details are what makes the difference between hand made and mass produced furniture. 
  There are several things that I will take from this piece. I have learned that just because you may not see beauty in something doesnt mean that it is not there. We should all try to remember that and apply it to everything and everyone around us. I also will try to remember that I shouldnt  get down about a project in the middle of it.  There are many things in life like that for example relationships. They can get thrown away before you ever see the true beauty in it. Maybe we shouldnt be so hasty to give up on people. We might just be throwing away one of the best things that has ever happened to us. Perseverance is another attribute that this table has strengthened in me.  Sometimes we find ourselves in life to be down but the ups are on the way and we need to keep moving. we should never forget that.
  The other news is that I have a friend who has  graciously agreed to do real photography work for me. I hope that the pictures in the not to distant future will look much better than mine do. I am sure that they will. Hopefully the pictures will be used to make my future website look professional. I have the domain name already chosen and will pass it along to you when it is near completion. I will continue to do the blog. I received a comment that my last piece the (Bench Revisited) was nice but that I was a dork and I wouldnt want to disappoint that reader :-). God Bless you all and if you interested in this or any other piece of furniture please let me know.

Do you find information about woodworking table are you looking for? If not, below may help you find more information about the woodworking table. Thank you for visiting, have a nice day.

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