Sabtu, 19 Maret 2016

woodworking table - Coffee Table


woodworking table

woodworking table

I know that many people do not read this blog and as far as that goes I know that I dont post that often.  As the title of my blog suggests sometimes there is not much time for fine woodworking . I would love to write about all the daily jobs that I do from basement and bathroom remodels to fences that I build or siding a house. Those things are nice but I can associate woodworking with happiness and a change in my life so that is what I choose to tell anyone that might read this. Life is about hopes and dreams and maybe some of you who read this will think about following your dream.  I know someday that I will be able to practice my passion more often than I can right now.  I have recently been spending a little more time in the shop and have begun to breathe that sigh of relief again. This coffee table is one of my projects that I am most proud of. It represents a time in my life that was difficult in many ways. I was experiencing a time  when I was not happy with my job. I was not happy with the way that I was approaching life and most importantly my mother was diagnosed with kidney cancer. There are many people who deal with things that are far worse than those that I mentioned especially in a personal manor but my Mothers diagnosis triggered a change in the way that I look at life and the people around me. 
   I initially withdrew from people and friends and became depressed about life. I am lucky to have people around me who believed in me and stood by me even if they didnt  always know where I was or didnt return their phone calls. I found myself looking through my favorite publication, Fine Woodworking, when saw a picture of a coffee table and I knew that I had to build it. The table was designed by Seth Barrett from New York. I changed a few things to make it a little more me and I went through the beginning of my new life philosophy with this table as a goal.  The only way for me to take the new steps of change was to complete this table.  It provided a break from everything that was real and difficult. A couple of hours here and there were often all that I needed to catch a breath between hospital visits. The shop became a sanctuary of sort.
  The table fascinated me because of its design. If you look at the top at a certain angle it almost appears to float because it doesnt rest on the legs. I really enjoyed its architectural elements and every piece supports another piece and so on until you have a coffee table. I think that applies to my life a little. I have a great supporting cast around me and they all lift me higher. I would not be who I was if it wasnt for those people. I think of everyone of you when I sit down and look at this table. The day came when finally conquered my goal. I am still working on myself but I am a lot better than I was.
   Sadly my mother never got to see this table in its completed form. I dedicate it to her and all the people around me who have made life something to treasure....

Do you find information about woodworking table are you looking for? If not, below may help you find more information about the woodworking table. Thank you for visiting, have a nice day.

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