Sabtu, 27 Februari 2016

easy wood projects - Life lately and a bit of a happy list


easy wood projects

easy wood projects

Life has been very busy lately so I’ve been making the most of the little things that make me happy and making sure to spend the spare time I do have doing something fun. This new glass jar is the result of a shopping trip with my Mum to Lewes in East Sussex – if you live near and have never been I really recommend it - beautiful buildings and tons of independent shops make this a perfect place to explore. Head to The Needlemakers for tea and homemade cake (their blueberry and lemon polenta was amazing) and then wander round a few of their vintage and handmade shops. Anyway, back to the glass jar, I’d been looking for something to keep cotton wool buds in on my dresser and after a summer of no luck at car boots I’d almost given up hope. But I found this in one of the amazing antiques shops in Lewes, which was over three floors! I love the shape of it.

Here’s another picture from our day in Lewes its of a beautiful street and archway near Lewes Castle – I’d love to go back and look round that next summer.

These flowers have also been making me happy, after over a month without a dining table as soon as we got one the boyfriend kindly brought me some flowers to put on it, they definitely brighten up the place.

Finally, I was lucky enough to spend the day a Goodwood Revival, in the guise of work but we had a bit of time to explore and it was great even in the rather questionable weather! Some of the costumes were fascinating and I did manage to catch a bit of the racing as you can see below. Id have loved to have had more time to browse the stalls though and half of them were before the pay barrier so you could look round for free!

Do you find information about easy wood projects are you looking for? If not, below may help you find more information about the easy wood projects. Thank you for visiting, have a nice day.

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